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Showing posts from July, 2017

Firebase Authentication with phone number

This tutorial will show you how to implement the authentication feature with Firebase using the phone number, you have to know that, for security concerns, this is not the most recommended way for authenticating users as you can read in the official firebase documentation. Note also that I have slightly the code in ActivityAccount, since the new user authenticated with phone number has not a database entry, then this would trigger a NullPointerException in the ActivityAccount while trying to read the name and imageUrl, this is why in the TextView is showing null as the name, this will be fixed soon no worries, for now, I just fixed the NullPointerException so it does not crash my app. Source code: If there is something that is shown in the video but I did not explain that, it is most likely because that was explained in previous tutorials, so please make sure to check those out, nevermind you can leave me any suggestion, question, feedback or whatever. Do ...

intercept and debug http requests with Stetho

Intercept and debug HTTP requests made by your app with Stetho, this allows you to use the Google Chrome developer tools, very useful feature, and great work from the developers of Stetho Stetho can be used with multiple libraries, in this example, we are using it with OkHttp3. This is a must if you want to watch your traffic, you can use Wireshark or another sniffer, but for ease of use, I recommend you to use this solution instead =) links: this video belongs to this playlist: Source code: You can leave me any suggestion, question, feedback or whatever. Do not forget to like this video, share and subscribe to my channel!! blog  twitter  blogger  Instagram  Google+ https...

Librerias modernas de networking en Android. Introducción

Hola,  en esta lista de reproducción iré subiendo tutoriales de como usar librerias modernas de networking en Android, tales librerias son de momento OkHttp3, Retrofit 2, integrar RxJava con Retrofit, y en un futuro añadiré más. aquí están los links de interés este último es para descargar android studio 3.0, si en el momento de ver este video la version 3.0 o superior todavía no es la versión estable, entonces tienes que descargarla para que puedas usar este proyecto ya que el proyecto usa Java 8 con la toolchain por defecto, y eso solo se puede hacer con android studio 3.0 minimo, recuerda que antes Java 8 se habilitaba con Jack toolchain la cual ha sido obsoleta tal como explique en el video. El código se...

Modern network libraries in Android. Introduction

This is an introduction of a new playlist in which I will be covering modern network libraries such as OkHttp3, Retrofit 2, and using RxJava with Retrofit, this is just for now, in the future I will also be adding more libraries. we are going to see how to perform: get and post requests, upload files, make OAuth 2 authentication, download files such as images, and much more. as we are using lambdas and this requires Java 8, and as today, this is only available in the preview version of Android studio as this requires android studio 3.0, which you can download from these links : Source code: